If you have any questions, would like to place a wholesale order or would like to be directed to the closest retailer, please call 905-653-3006 or email info@linenway.com
Linen Way:
151 Applewood Cres. Unit # 13 Concord, ON,
L4K 4E3, Canada
tel: 905-653-3006
fax: 905-653-1768
email: info@linenway.com
Sales Representative for Quebec:
Sylvie Champagne
cell: 514 475-3585
email: sylviemchampagne@gmail.com
Sales Representative for California:
Rebecca Spencer
tel: 408 605-1149
email: reb.spencer@comcast.net
Sales Representative for
Massachusetts, Vermont, Martha's Vineyard:
Ann Heffernon
tel:603 851-0007
email: akheff@gmail.com